Major revision vs minor revision That does indeed sound bizarre (even if journal timescales are very field-dependent). Whatever you choose, make sure you include it in your Major revision; Minor revision; Accept; Decisions are communicated to the corresponding author in a formal letter, along with reviewer feedback and any other requirements from the journal office. Section snippets Guidelines. The following code example demonstrates the Version constructor, and Major, Minor, Build We are bringing a new business entity onto SAP which currently uses three part item numbering - part number, dash number, and revision level. Whenever possible, we invite earlier-round reviewers to re-review manuscripts following authors' revisions since they are best When submitting your article or your article revisions to an Elsevier journal, you'll find solutions to share your research data with your article directly within the submission system. The manuscript is publishable in its current form. ) whereby the first letter is major revision, second letter is minor revision, with the assumption that all rev A PCBs are interchangeable, all rev B PCBs are interchangeable, etc. c) Revise and resubmit. So, unless you are unlucky enough to have either or both of those you should only have one installation of each major rev. If this Jun 6, 2021 · See the following differences between minor and major revisions: What Is a Minor Revision? Minor revisions are those that do not change the risk level of the study. In other words, 'minor revision' and 'major revision' is arguably just a difference in semantics and personal definition of what is major or minor; what ultimately matters is whether the authors incorporated the changes you requested. It means that the peer reviewer considers a manuscript suitable for publication if the authors rectify some major shortcomings. Minor_Version_Number[. Commented Mar 27, 2023 at 14:42. Oct 1, 2012 · In my field (chemistry), the practice is: for those journals that make a clear distinction between minor and major revision requests, “major revision” means that the paper will have to undergo further review after revision, usually What's the difference between a minor and major revision? Response: A minor revision often implies that there are a limited number of changes that are needed to improve the manuscript for publication. Luckily, because it's a warning, it can be suppressed (see below). The How we define a design revision in Kontra. Slightly more in minor corrections probably. So when new part is compatible with exsisting already parts it is If it's only minor revision might be acceptable but definitely not for major revisions or something more involved. The major and minor build numbers (c and d in a. ) I read the manuscript again and again I've also seen them reversed (giving Major. As far a procedure changes, because there is no particular requirement to distinguish between "major" and "minor" (or any other such categorizations), how you handle it is purely up to you. 001 . 0 would this be the first maintenance release to the 1. If you responded to the questions raised it will be 99% accepted without further review. However, changing a short text phrase here and there is usually considered a minor revision. Depending on the extent of the Apr 11, 2017 · The exact semantics of major or minor revisions will depend on the journal - at some journals, a minor revision will not be externally reviewed any more, while a major Jun 15, 2020 · 以下分别介绍这四种投稿人意见,并简要说明该如何应对。 1. In your case, when you change the major and minor version numbers is less relevant than ensuring the major and minor build numbers are accurate. A design revisions process stays within the originally agreed-upon project scope. The traditional process with “Reject”, “Major”, “Minor”, “Accept” has passed the test of time for many I often find the terms minor and major revision misleading. , if you went from version 7. Revisions. Build) where build is a sequentially incrementing number from an automated build system. On the other hand, I also had a minor revision, that in the end turned out to require a significant (>50%) rewriting of the paper that took quite some time; I'd definitely classify it as Acceptance conditional on minor revisions means the editor is confident the revisions can be completed straightforwardly, while major revisions are always more of a gamble. When one revises after the process of writing, they take a second look at your idea and information. A0, A1, B0, B1, etc. Both minor and major corrections are viewed as a 'PhD pass' and PhD awarded after some changes. Outright acceptance of a journal paper is rare. 2. Most journals will distinguish between major and minor revisions required. For example, a revision scheme that uses alphabetical major revisions and numeric minor revisions as shown here A-01, B-01, B-02, C-01 or any other combination of major or minor schemes. 99 Meaning: The normal part of the semver version number. In contrast, when a paper receives even one reject, there is a greater than 50% reduction in the When the reviewers’ comments are mixed in opinion while the editor thinks that they are still reasonably addressable, you may get the editorial decision of major revision or resubmission. patch: Major version numbers change whenever there is some significant change being introduced. For example, you can upload your research data to Mendeley Data opens in new tab/window , link to research data hosted in repositories, or co-submit a data or Often, statistics and other important contents for profile pages need to be revised. Usually version is split into major and minor verosion, hence small changes will change the minor version number and bigger changes will Revised manuscripts will be assessed by a professional editor and the same Academic Editor. A better approach, than relying on the user to create the minor revision correctly and to know the difference between a minor/major, is to just use a normal revision. Build_Number[. Although the 3 days ago · In my field (Linguistics), it's getting rare and rare to get "accepted with minor/major revision". 2 is older than 13. Y. Many organizations use major revisions alone Journal editors notify authors of the formal decisions on their submitted manuscripts using a small number of categories. The average design project goes through about 3 revisions before settling on the final design. Normally, the editor decides the outcome after this. They just reflect a distinction in the amount of work to be done, the probability of ultimate acceptance, and perhaps whether new reviewers will be assigned. They might just not work out in principle, or the So if you want to make changes to the PS 6 version, you will make commits and create revisions on the way, but the version stays the same. During this period, we got a chance to make minor revision. Though I have often considered a major/minor revision level system (e. new Version(major, minor, build, majorRevision | (minorRevision << 16) This results in 1. 005 . It doesn't happen often, but it's possible. The relevance and originality of the research are not To me, a minor revision would be suggestions for additional content (less of a "you're missing this" and more of "hey it'd be awesome if you could comment on this topic), Major revisions are for when you've done something seriously wrong on a large scale, and the committee needs it to be fixed, but they don't anticipate it changing your Version numbers consist of two to four components: major, minor, build, and revision. 10. You Fail (either with or without a Master of Philosophy degree). As a peer reviewer, it is useful to learn about I sent a paper to Journal of Cleaner Production and finally got minor revision after 6months. 8 and every bug fix has its own revision number we can use when we talk about this bug fix. The paper was accepted with minor revision (two reviewers both recommended 'minor revision'). c is the build number and d is used for patches on a particular release or version of c. Minor Revision与Major Revision相对应,一般称之为“小修”。 paper投出去之后直接被accept的概率很小,因此 Minor Revision 可以算是很不错的消息了。 一般给你的回复邮件中会附带审稿人以及主编的意见,只要按照意见再修改一下你的论文部分机制细节一般就可以。 In summary, while both types of revisions involve addressing feedback and improving the manuscript, a major revision typically implies more extensive changes, while a revision with justification 'Major revisions' is one of the most common peer review decisions. I'm trying to write a bash script that increments the version number which is given in {major}. Once something was called a major revision, but in my opinion it was minor - it took me only a few hours and the paper was accepted. , Once a revised paper is submitted, the editor can choose to send it for another round of peer review or review it himself/herself. Hello all!By popular demand, here is a new ENOVIA Video dealing about Minor and Major Revisions in 3DExperience Release 19x. Dear Avishag Gordon in that case the decision of the Editor would have been either "minor revision" or "major revision". It’s essential to differentiate between a design revision and a change request at this point. The general example steps detailed below can be modified to We decided to use the same convention, and due to the limitations of Windows version numbers we chose to drop the "micro" part of our version numbers in order to preserve the revision number. For the first round, I recieved a major revision and for the next two rounds, I received minor revisions. Despite this, the third revision indicated that all his/her concerns were "fully addressed" in the first round of revision. 7. Does it mean Minor revision? Does the manuscript with this decision, go back to the original/new reviewers or the editor him/herself evaluate the manuscript? Kindly reply. “Major” revision for experimental manuscripts means that any new data should be obtainable, and the manuscript modified, within 3 months of the editor’s decision to invite a revision. 12. 6. It’s easier to The build number restarted at 0001 for each change in major or minor revision number (e. Reject. Maybe 8% get no corrections, and perhaps 1. Usually, you would see “Minor Revisions Required” or “Major Revisions Required” if the journal wants you to revise your manuscript to Feb 27, 2024 · At journals that distinguish between major and minor revisions, I take major to be the default R&R decision, with minor revisions being closer to a conditional acceptance. Although both involve modifications to the original concept, they aren’t the same. Before posting, make sure that your arguments are presented in a manner that At TCJ and many other case journals, editors have two distinct types of revision decisions that can be selected – major revision or minor revision. 子版本号[. , "revisions"). 1" would be "revision 1. build so in the given answer the build and revision numbers would be swapped if you were using the class properties or System. Apr 24, 2018 · The distinction between major and minor revisions being required is completely a judgement call made by the editor, largely based on the reviewers’ comments. Version to detect the build Typically, a reviewer’s decision falls in four categories: acceptance without revision, acceptance after minor revision, acceptance after major revision, and rejection. Our version numbers are now [major]. ). Assembly. The authors can still be asked for explanations This refers to the nature and scope of the revisions required by your examining committee. Recognize how their insights have improved your manuscript. The major and minor components are required; the build and revision components are optional, but the build component is required if the revision component is defined. 0, 99. A decision of major revision is most frequently generated in response to the first submission of a case. Are the peer reviewers of a Accept with minor revisions: The journal will publish the paper after the author to make small corrections. Major versions use sequential numbering when you make changes to the content (document, item, page, etc. Yes, correcting typos while making revisions (major or minor) is not only completely okay, it is strongly encouraged. I remember the first time I got a major revision I sort of panicked too, but from my experience this is totally unnecessary! So congratulations, enjoy the moment and, go make that rebuttal! • Same or higher Major Revision • Minor Revision as follows: – If the Major Revision is the same, the Minor Revision must be the same or higher. major: For me is the current project I am working on. Revise and resubmit is just a step below reject. Reject is reject! Cite. If you think the issues cannot be fixed (or after fixing it would be in essence a new manuscript), then the manuscript should be rejected. Indeed, the The AssemblyFileVersionAttribute can be used with larger values, e. My article was submitted to a journal last year and has undergone three rounds of reviews. This change has occurred Major Revision is great news! Pretty much everybody in the labs that I work in has major/minor revisions. An important distinction in your recommendation is between “major” and “minor” revision. to encode date values with (for example in the Patch part of a semver), but will generate warning CS7035: The specified version string does not conform to the recommended format - major. g. Mathematical manuscript flaws between major revision and reject. In that case, Minor Revision “Minor Revision” is selected when the manuscript is viewed as having a high potential for publication in If it didn't, you would not have gotten a major revision, but rather a rejection. However, after the third revision, I received another request for revision, and this time it was from a third reviewer. Cite. Other than the 20. [revision % 10000], so the assemblies built from revision 65535 have the version 2. a Minor release has gone away - releases come out extremely frequently on a regular If you think the issues with the manuscript can be fixed, the authors should be given the chance to do a revision - if those are major issues, or a large number of issues, then a major revision. Any discussion pertaining to such revisions must be done in this board. After about six months and 3 revisions, of which 2 were major and 1 was minor, I re-submitted the article. 03 part- when you install a newer minor revision it will overwrite the older minor rev of the same major rev. The process of revising makes a piece of writing stronger by making the ideas of the writer clearer. However, my supervisor told me several times when submitting papers that there's no such thing as minor revisions anymore and everyone seems to always say major just because they can. 1 Recommendation. 2", and personnel are You can also charge different rates depending on the nature and extent of the revision, such as minor tweaks, major changes, or new concepts. Agreed. 1 build might be at build number 783, but the first 7. 5535. – Moishe Kohan. [minor]. the minor revisions being changed into major revisions is uncommon, but given the seemingly poor quality of the reviews it is understandable if the editor read the paper afterwards; The papers I have reviewed myself that lack the basics such a motivation, conclusion and references always had many other problems and I have always had to Accessing Version History. Notification of peer reviewing results (1-2 weeks): After accepting the manuscripts which have passed the screening stage from reviewers, the editors will reconsider and finalise the results. GetExecutingAssembly(). Major 15 Minor 5 . Contents The meaning of a 'desk-rejected' paperWhat to do if your paper is desk-rejectedThe Dec 30, 2024 · Common reasons for a ‘minor revisions’ decision. So where do we draw the line between revisions and redesign? REVISION: A revision is constituted as a minor change to the I have a paper which was invited to be resubmitted after minor revisions. {revision} For example. The dash number does NOT represent a version of a part number, but instead represents a major revision (as opposed to a minor revision for which the rev level changes. For papers accepted after minor revision, the revised papers are often published without another full process of peer review. After submitting the revised article for a week, a ADM was assigned and the status has changed to "awaiting reviewer invitation. Finally, take a look at some of these resources for more information: Calling w the version, x the major revision and y the minor revision is semantic versioning using change significance. Upon receiving notice that major revisions of the Minor Revision=6% Major Revision=20. ’ 3. Note the editor can choose to accept a paper even if the reviewers recommend rejection. Most of the time, "major revision" seems to be the best verdict in Jun 6, 2021 · Why is it important to distinguish between minor and major revisions? Question 3. The revise and resubmit nowadays is the equivalent to "major revision" from before: journals do this to report that the time from submission to publication is short, which helps their metrics and make them more attractive. I use Major. The relevance and originality of the research Aug 5, 2019 · Major revision 首先扼要而言,major revision,相比较minor revision,主要区别在修改的幅度和修改后的处理流程。Minor revision一般小修改后直接由editor审核即可。而major revision意味着,文章主体内容的改动,修补以及完成后的再送审(相同的reviewers Decision Types Accept - No further revision required. Major 7 Minor 10 Build 01 . A recommendation for revision (either major or minor) should be accompanied by comments detailing the reason for the recommendation. You also make the information more engaging, interesting, accurate, or compelling. Revision_Number]] 版本号由二至四个部分组成:主版本号、次版本号、内部版本号和修订号。 Express Gratitude: Just like with minor revisions, begin your response letter by thanking the reviewers for their valuable feedback. 010. To access the version history of a file, page, or item, right-click on the document and click Version History. , Accept with minor revisions: The journal will publish the paper after the author to make small corrections. A 'minor revision' decision is not a sign that the manuscript will be accepted. build. Describe the major revisions to your manuscript in your response letter followed by point-by-point responses to the comments raised. Organize Your Response: Create a clear document that outlines each reviewer comment. I revised the paper accordingly and addressed the feedbacks. Difference between design revisions and change requests. [Minor]. 首先,最常收到的审稿人意见就是 Reject 了。 大部分同学投出的第一篇或是前几篇期刊文章有很大概率会 Feb 22, 2021 · There're three reviewers, one decided recommend acceptation, other recommended a minor revision and the last one recommended a major revision. A recommendation of major revision indicates that substantial changes are needed to be considered for publication (Citation 4, Citation 6). For example, with Compatible Module, you can replace a ControlLogix digital The assessment results are divided into four categories: ‘accept’, ‘accept with minor revision’, ‘accept with major revision’ and ‘reject. • Minor revisions - Manuscript can be accepted • Revision is required • Substantial revision is required Should you recommend that the manuscript can be accepted, you will have the option to directly endorse the manuscript and finalize your review report. If you and your principal investigator deem that additional Aug 13, 2021 · 主版本号. The reason is that reviewer#2 refers back to the same old comments that he gave at the major revision stage (He just copied and pasted alll the comments mentioned in the major revision stage We use SVN at work, but for my personal projects I decided to use Git. We have an ASP. This can be further broken down into major and minor revisions. In the case of minor revisions, your research supervisor will withhold their signature from the Doctoral Dissertation Approval form at the end of the defence; they will sign the form after checking that the required revisions have been completed. Very, very few fail outright. This is used to determine the The major and minor build numbers (c and d in a. Perform any additional experiments or analyses the reviewers recommend (unless you feel that they would not make your paper better; if so, please provide sufficient explanation as to why you believe this to be the case in your response letter). 01 vs 20. d) are usually controlled by development. Implies that the editors and reviewers feel the paper is publishable once their comments have been addressed. 99. revision]] and not major. Build. In this case, however, the status went back to under review after I . Accept after major revisions (conditional acceptance): The journal will publish the paper provided the authors make the changes suggested by the reviewers and/or editors; Reject: The journal will not publish the paper. Overall, is it a Oct 13, 2024 · Revising your journal manuscript is a crucial step in the publication process, and understanding the difference between minor and major revisions can help you make the right Aug 10, 2021 · The types of decisions provided after a peer review often depend on the journal. Minor revisions can include many items within the paper that need to be revised, but typically not a major shift or addition to the paper. Major revision = key findings may or may not be different and/or critiques may or may not be successfully addressed, would need to see manuscript again to be certain. Skip to main content. 6, which lasted a geological age in software terms (till 2. It uses what is called an extended SHA1 syntax, [and includes] various ways to spell object names. One had some minor comments and recommended minor revisions, while the second reviewer recommended full rejection and was very vehement about it. The majority of articles require revision before reaching this stage. – If the Major Revision is higher, the Minor Revision can be any number. Revision: set to * which means they reflect the time it was built. 编译版本号[. 8. You can read more on what The scope of the journal is related to education. 1 to version 7. Holding a Master's degree in Science and Medical Journalism from the prestigious Boston University, she has consistently demonstrated her expertise and passion for her field. 2 of my papers came back as major revisions but it took maybe 2 hours of An important point is that a request for either major or minor revision needs to be viewed positively , because it indicates that there is a chance that the manuscript can still be accepted and published, provided that all the queries and suggestions by reviewers are satisfactorily addressed. 3 Major revision , if there are major concerns about ethics, study design, reporting of results, generalizability of the findings, or composition of the manuscript; a revised manuscript may result in acceptance, rejection, or a request for Usually it is major or minor revision. So while the new part can be made to substitute on the old part it is a minor revision to make. In general you should feel free to make such changes, without explicit comment, as long as: In other words, you can yourself make a major revision in place of a minor revisionbut be prepared to accept the consequences of Build : A difference in build number represents a recompilation of the same source. Examples. 01 is the same as 7. 01. Giving the best answer to this question is important because major revisions to studies that have been heard by the Full [] Dec 18, 2024 · 在学术研究中,论文的修订通常分为两大类:major revisions和minor revisions。major revisions主要针对论文结构上的问题以及宏观层面的错误。这些问题往往涉及到论文的整体框架和逻辑结构,比如研究问题是否明确、理论基础是否充分、实验设计是否合理等。 Oct 14, 2024 · 在期刊投稿过程中,审稿人意见可以分为四大类:Reject、Major Revision、Minor Revision和Accept ,每种意见都代表不同的反馈与期待。以下分别介绍这四种意见类型,并探讨如何有效地应对。首先,收到的最常见审稿人意见之一是Reject。这通常意味着 Mar 12, 2021 · A publication accepting an article in its current form with no revisions is very rare. Build works best IMO - public users can easily tell what version of the program they have and, to some degree, With Agile software development practices and SaaS applications, the idea of a Major vs. I guarantee there is not a single reputable journal in the world which has status option like "accepted with major revision". 5% are asked to resubmit. Two were happy with my first round of revision; the third reviewer is the one who asked me to undertake another round of (major) revision. The main difference between editing and revising is their focus. Keep in mind that the assembly major and minor versions are used as the type library version number when the assembly is exported. Format: major. From this perspective "minor revisions", "major revisions", and "allowed to make new submission" are all conceptualised as the same step in the publication process (i. however, for minor revisions, the editor often does not feel the need to send the paper to external reviewers again. After submitting major revision, I got minor revision with only one comment from editor, while one reviewer accepted it (it was not sent to second reviewer). Major Versions. 7% Reject/Resubmit=21. To make it clear, let’s take some real examples and see how they look like: The process of revisions may be different between experimental medicine and clinical medicine. After a while, I received a message stating that the revisions I made have been accepted by the reviewers and I was only being asked to proofread the manuscript again to correct potential mistakes. minor[. For example, a large or potentially backward-incompatible change to a software package. See "SPECIFYING REVISIONS" of git rev-parse:A revision parameter <rev> typically, but not necessarily, names a commit object. The following code example demonstrates the Version constructor, and the Major, Minor, Build, Revision, MajorRevision, and Five main steps can be identified and are defined for the revision process: (1) Reading and understanding the comments and marking them as “major” or “minor”, (2) planning a timeline for the revision and assigning the comments to the co-authors to address, (3) conducting revisions and making changes, (4) highlighting the changes in the We have an ASP. {minor}. Thanks in advance. Jan 8, 2024 · Version numbers consist of two to four components: major, minor, build, and revision. I'm using the following code to combine the major and minor revisions. patch Examples: 14. 13. [revision / 10000]. a minor change to "revision 1. ' Learn what these editorial decisions precisely mean, and how to react. VersionPrefix. 4, 0. there were two reviewers, reviewer#1 said `The authors have made all the modifications indicated. 4. Revision : Assemblies with the same name, major, and minor version numbers but different revisions are intended to be fully interchangeable. Z, which generally corresponds to major. 65536 but the maximum value allowed for the Revision is 65535. So I installed Git yesterday, and I wonder what is the revision number equivalent in Git. 9. 7. My decision options include accept, minor revisions needed, major revisions needed, and reject. The number will not change until I start a new project of the same program name. Typically, these categories include “accepted”, “minor revision”, “major revision”, “rejected with invitation Major revision indicates the manuscript definitely needs some work and will require additional review, but the manuscript is in decent shape, the research is sound, etc. Some like to use an alphanumeric code (e. 5 is the same as 15. 1 is the same as 7. Avishag Gordon. Minor revisions < we believe this will be Occasionally, the editor or AE may feel that the manuscript is in a borderline situation between reject and major revision, yet is unsure of what the quality of the next revision would look like. 3 build started with build number 1; ماهي أنواع قرارات المجلة (Minor and Major Revision, and Types of Rejections) حينما نرسل بحثنا لها وما الذي يجري خلف ذلك من تفاصيل The impact of receiving a major revision recommendation can be seen in comparing papers that receive accept–minor revision vs. Minor. This recommendation should be supported by a reviewer I agree, minor revisions are entirely writing errors, while major revisions requires data reinterpretation. There is no such thing as "Accepted with Major Revision". Also, setting these values explicitly will override the defaults. Minor version typically indicates the addition of new features and improvements and the cool part is unlike major changes, the minor version maintains backward compatibility with the old version 🔄. Made it faster, fixed a bug, etc Only people affected by bugs or performance should notice. First you will see how to enable Minor revisions - the best you can hope for after the first round of review Major revisions - the decision we received in this case Reject – clearly, the one you want to avoid; Editors are most likely to write back to you after initial review and recommend either ‘minor revisions’ or ‘major revisions’ to your paper. c) Hardware revision. HEAD@{5 minutes ago} is a For a minor revision, the editor may decide to send the revised manuscript to the peer reviewer for a final check or review the manuscript themselves if the changes were indeed minor. Request an extension of revision deadline over the holidays. 39, 8 years). build[. 3, for instance, the 7. The second reviewer's concerns were basically that he believes that one of the databases used in the paper (which is used in many other studies published in this journal) is completely invalid, but to Here are examples of different display values, but meaning same firmware revision. Now, again it This article details how to configure PDM Revisions Numbers to manage Major and Minor revisions. Minor Revision - A limited number of changes are required. 15. Usually it is major or minor revision. "Revise" means revision is required, and decision will be taken considering the revisions made. This means I will literally be writing a new program of the same gender (example: access v1 - access v-2 - access v-3 * all the same program but completely rewritten). These issues are not ones that confuse the content of the work in anyway. . The status stayed "with the editor" for around 4 months and suddenly, I get a rejection for my Minor revision = confident the authors can take care of any issues without the key findings changing, don't need to see manuscript again. I submitted the minor revision on the same day, status was with editor for 6 days but I recently resubmitted a manuscript after making major revisions. [Revision] Every build increases the build number, e. Some view it as a fail, others view it as a second chance Common reasons for a ‘minor revisions’ decision. 0. e. Minor version numbers change when a new, minor feature is introduced or when a I got a major revision (one reviewer with minor while second almost rejected it) after submitting paper to renowned journal. 3 reviewers were involved. (I wasn't explicitly asked to send my paper for language editing. Linux hasn't used that semantic versioning in a long time. 06 The revision number, or -1 if the revision number is undefined. 10 is newer than 12. The Journal response: Major revision -> minor revision "Revise for Editor Only'' -> reject. Just ask for an extension. Around the end of last year, the journal changed its chief editor who was responsible for my article. Reflection. 05 is the same as 15. In terms of Major and Minor . There is no guarantee of acceptance after major revision. 13 Is there a good way to easily extract those 3 numbers using The usual method I have seen is X. c. GetName(). Major Revisions (aka Revise and Resubmit) indicates a manuscript that requires significant revision to organization, clarity, argument, and/or other components; this recommendation automatically triggers re-review. Unfortunately the Version Class defines major. So, there is a conflict between the two reviewers regarding the number and kind of changes to be made in the article. A 16-bit signed integer. For major revisions, provide detailed responses explaining how you plan to address Dec 30, 2024 · After submitting their manuscripts to academic journals, authors receive one of several editorial decisions: 'desk reject', 'revise and resubmit', 'major revisions', 'minor revisions', or 'paper accepted. revision. Major revision usually changes more than 20% of the design. In this review, we summarize the tips for the revised manuscript in clinical medicine. Major release number; Minor release number; Maintenance release number (bugfixes only) If used at all: build number (or source control revision number) 1. In this article, we have grouped b, c, and d together under the heading ‘reviewers’ manuscript (major) revision’. What is the correct formulae to combine the major and minor revisions? Thanks For public applications, the standard Major. The authors analysed reviews of treatment for type II diabetes and concluded that doctors who rely on reviews may be misled. It’s a fine-tuning For a review journal like The Lancet Neurology, it is rather worrying that the results of a cohort analysis published recently in the BMJ suggest that review articles are not as accurate and reliable as most clinicians think (BMJ 2003; 327: 266). I guess moderate is some where between the two. [Build]. After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. " Yes, revisions can range from minor adjustments to major overhauls. As far as I know there is no official documentation about the version naming but it will probably be addressed soon. Minor: I changed the internal behavior. minor. I have submitted a paper in IEEE TED, and got the decision - accepted with mandatory revision. Revision. Does "minor revision" mean "accepted with minor revision"? 0. Janet White has been an esteemed writer and blogger for Difference Wiki. This is a bad idea - the preferred way to do it is through proper version Comments: You seem to have received comments from two reviewers, one for a minor revision and the other for a major revision. NET WebForms application with standard versioning numbering in this format: [Major]. 3. Until 2003, Linux used odd-even versions (odd numbers are unstable, even numbers are stable). In case of major revisions, the paper is typically sent for a second round of peer review. Five main steps can be identified and are defined for the revision process: (1) Reading and understanding the comments and marking them as “major” or “minor”, (2) planning a timeline for the revision and assigning the comments to the co-authors to address, (3) conducting revisions and making changes, (4) highlighting the changes in the revised manuscript, and (5) drafting a Minor revision, if the work has minor problems that once corrected should lead to acceptance for publication after satisfactory revision. Let's say we work on version 3. There are six common reasons for a ‘minor revisions’ decision: The literature review can benefit from additional sources: As a reviewer with expertise on the topic of the manuscript, you may be aware of a recent publication or discussion that the authors do not include yet. Major revisions are generally reserved for larger changes like actual modification to geometry, while smaller changes such as documentation updates or fixing the spelling on a drawing would generally be classified as a minor revision. For branding projects, ‘can it be more of a blue-green’ or ‘can the icon be a little smaller’ are minor revisions but ‘can I see another variation of the logo’ is a Reviewers, in fact, can recommend one of five decisions: a) publish as is, b) minor revision and publish, c) minor revision and re-review, d) major revision and re-review, and e) reject. Then I received a reject letter from the new editor. If the editor feels that your manuscript has the potential to be published, but requires changes, you’ll be invited to revise it. revision-build” is the way PKP uses to name a version and is a variant of something called “Semantic versioning”. Sure. But for to make the major revisions is to make parts that become not backwards campatability. And then came 2. Major revision and resubmission are different in principle, but their difference is often not very clear depending on the journal’s policy and the editor. I submitted an article to a certain top IEEE transaction journal, and after a year and a half of peer review, it was finally rejected. Revision (C#) Major: I changed the API or UI in a big enough way that previous users will need to adapt. Nov 12, 2020 · Even if it is a major revision, the due date is 24 November, which is 13 days ahead, quite bizarre for a "major revision". We came up with an easy definition that helps us differentiate between minor and major revisions. accept–major revision; receiving a recommendation for major revision reduces the chance of acceptance by 16%. If a major revision is required, acceptance is not guaranteed at all. So "revision" refers to the id you can use as a parameter to reference an object in git (usually a commit). The word "accepted" is usually not included in the decision letter unless the editor has decided to accept the manuscript in its current form without asking for further revision. This “MAJOR. Minor revision implies the research is sound, but changes are needed to improve the clarity or readability of the paper (Citation 4, Citation 14). So, a review of your paper will generally indicate that you need to make either minor or major revisions. 0 on the Revision Smart Form asks teams whether the revision they are submitting is a minor revision or a major revision. Almost all students are given minor or major corrections - I'd say 90% fall into these categories. Deciding on awarding minors or majors depends on examiners opinions and in some cases, performance at viva. For clinical manuscripts, data handling/analysis and The revison of the minor types are if or why the parts can be used in a backwards fashion. Store the major/minor flag in a property and skip all the fancy numbering. Manuscripts that undergo major revision may require re-review or additional statistical review. Major revision or minor revision? 1. This outcome involves substantial changes to a PhD thesis. After contacting Rewriting or resupplying large amounts of text is also a major revision. 修正版本号]] Major_Version_N部版本号就是必选。所有定义的部分都必须是大于或等于 0 的整数。 umber. 7 version of the product. 1. Build. 2. I don’t see an easy way to model this in SAP The purpose of this letter is to provide some guidance to reviewers on the specific issue of deciding between a recommendation to revise versus reject. When the authors receive a decision of major revision or minor revision, the authors are usually allowed to have 1 week to 3 months for the revision, which To respond to your queries until then, it’s a bit unusual that the revised manuscript (for a minor revision decision) has gone to Under Review, which mostly means that the peer reviewer/s need/s to look at your changes. b. Editor of a journal asked for "Major Revision" for a submitted paper, after submitting revised paper it went for the review, after that the status shows "with Editor" for some time. Also, according to you, the major revision comments do not all seem to be valid or well-informed. Even defining what the difference between a major and minor release is, is difficult. 1. All defined components must be integers greater than or equal to 0. 6% (Includes decisons made by EIC+SE not to send to referees) Reject: 51. 1% (includes Reject without Review by EIC+SE) I think we’re one of the few journals that makes these data readily available, and I would love to see more doing so. – Herman Toothrot. 6. 3 days ago · ProgramName version major. This would be appropriate because of processor, platform, or compiler changes. The paper looks good other than a few spelling/grammar typos and one formatting issue where a line has a single letter extend into the center margin between the two columns. I sent an article to a journal of a reputed publisher. njhen tmqooy uil bcas fbf khtkake aosjgaz fsuizdh nxfrb warjg